

this song...
every time i hear this song
i remember that time
in another life… in another country
when you had to go away
for a very long time

and i was just sitting there
one quiet afternoon
minding my own business
and this song came on the radio

and the tears pricked my eyes
and my soul fell on its knees
fell… so terribly
and i closed my eyes
hoping to trap the tears
trying to escape
from between my lashes

but they fell

and this evening
i was just sitting there
minding my own business
and this song came on
in the middle of a random shuffle

and the tears pricked my eyes
and all that other stuff…
it happened too
though you are here

and i couldn’t find the words
when you asked why
why was i gasping
with such helpless abandon
my lips as mute as my spirit
my breath shunning my heart

but those tears
those tears
that my heart recognized
as the truth of my soul
coming from his lips
the lips of this man
this stranger
who i did see
once upon a time
not in my dreams
but in the flesh
in another life
in another time
this man
who has stripped
so shamelessly
the tar-painted
walls of my heart
            in the absence
the star-painted
walls of my soul
            in the presence
of you, my love